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Central New York Nursing Collaborative to Advance Research and Evidence-Based Practice (CNY-NCARE)


Mission Statement

To facilitate the collaboration of research activities through the conduct and promotion of research and the use of evidence-based practice to improve patient care in Central New York (CNY).


Vision Statement

Bringing evidence to the point of care.



Elevate nursing research activities and the application of evidence-based practice to improve the health outcomes of the Central New York community.



  • Determine barriers to information literacy in CNY;
  • Communicate research and evidence-based practice (EBP) activities among colleagues in CNY;
  • Generate synergy through the collaboration of nursing research/EBP activities in CNY;
  • Offer conferences and workshops to disseminate current research activities and innovations;
  • Inform stakeholders of our mission, goal, and objectives;
  • Promote any and all activities deemed necessary to advance research and evidence-based practice



Please send your name, email address and affiliation to Joshua Purcell, MS, RN at [email protected]


Minutes & Bylaws

2017 Bylaws

2017 Minutes

2018 Minutes

2018-2019 Annual Report

2019 Minutes