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Center for Nursing Research Receives Generous Gift

The Board of Directors of the Center for Nursing at the Foundation of NYS Nurses, Inc. is proud to announce the receipt of a generous donation to the Center for Nursing Research from Rona F. Levin, PhD, RN.  Dr. Levin’s gift is intended to support ongoing education in the areas of evidence-based practice and nursing research, especially as it is applied to current practice.  Dr. Levin has been an active member of the Center for Nursing Research leadership team and was the first chair of the Research Planning Committee (as it was called at the time). She was instrumental in the development of the Center’s Evidence-Based Practice Award and the first Evidence-Based Practice Workshop that commenced on June 7, 2017.  Dr. Levin was also the recipient of the 2017 Driscoll Award, given by the Board of Directors at the Nightingale Gala on September 16th.  In addition, she was recently appointed to the Foundation of NYS Nurses Board of Directors where she brings a wealth of knowledge to the strategic planning and positioning of the organization for the future. The Board of Directors is grateful for Dr. Levin’s ongoing support and expertise.